
Monday 21 April 2014

Excuse Me

There is always an excuse.

Of course sometimes there is a real explanation as to why something has occurred or why something has not occurred.

For most people.


for some other people things that occur or not occur are because they just never feel like do it (lazy) or they did it because they felt like it (self-centered).

Which is cool.

Do you, lazy and self-centered people.

But most of them come with numerous excuses as to why it happened or why it did not happened.

The dog ate my homework.


The alarm clock did not go off.

They were drunk.

They will tell you any excuse they can think of.

Which pisses me off.

You did it so own up and be an adult about it. 

I prefer to tell you I did what I wanted to do.

I prefer you to tell me the same.

That way we can move on.

I can choose to deal with you and your ways and always know that you are self-centered or lazy.

Or I can remove myself from you because one day your excuses might frig me over badly.

The amount of bad things that could happen from a person making excuses is vast.

I do not need any of those bad things in my life because of someone who is lazy or self-centered.

Which is why I have alway believed that if you want something done, let alone, done right, do it yourself.     

Then there are the people who will do anything they want regardless of who gets hurts and then give you a bunch of lame ass excuses as to why they did it.

They will do anything they want and only feel the need to make excuses to you when they have to come crawling back to you for one reason or another.

And when you allow them to give you a bunch of excuses they think they got away with their self-centered or lazy behavior and it continues.

If we all never have to take responsibility for our actions then we will all never change.

I can not imagine any person hurting me over and over again and giving me a lame excuse as to why only when they want something else from me.

Some people have real low self-esteem and are more than ok with being treated like dirt and then given a flimsy excuse as to why.

Lucky them because I am not doing that.

Fool me once shame on you.

Fool me twice, 20 times, 50 times, 37 years, shame on me.

I am not saying that I will not forgive a body but there is a thick line between forgiving and having a low self-esteem level that allows you to think being hurt over and over is okay.

Because it is not.

It's pathetic.

Some people will do anything they want to do or not do anything they don't want to do.


But do not give me a bunch of lame reasons why.

At the end of the day they made their beds and sorry didn't do it.

And in order to make amends they must first acknowledge what they have done intentionally and then grow the fuck up and deal with it.

Then it might not happen again.

There are no real excuses except they did what they did.


But that does not mean that I should suffer any misfortune because it


that does not mean that I must keep allowing a person to hurt me over and over again.

Keep your fake excuses.

And be proud for each and every one of your lame excuses but do not expect me to deal with you anymore.

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