Friday 11 April 2014


Have you ever seen on the phone that whoever you are talking with is still typing and won't stop?

And you want them to stop? 

You just want them to stop typing at that exact moment because you don't even want to know what they have to say.

I'm sure people feel like that with me a lot.



The "typing"  icon is really annoying because it just lets you know they are still TYPING.

The icon seems to be taunting you. 

Especially when you know the person is most likely typing something you just do not want to hear.

At all.

News flash. 

Do not type something no one wants to hear.

Give a person a break sometimes.


Some people have enough problems already. 

Just stop typing if you're just typing some drama.

Just stop yourself and put down your phone.

Remember momma always said if you have nothing nice to say



at all.

Or say something that you know the other person would prefer to hear.

Just for the hell of it.


I hate that icon.

It is a harbinger of bull-crap.

Just say no to still "typing" drama.

Please and thanks.


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