Tuesday 15 April 2014

Happy Place


My happy place. 

My happy place is a wonderful place. 

It is almost over the rainbow. 


My happy place is the Rockhouse in Negril, Jamaica. 


I went there last year at a time in my life when I was going through a lot of changes and the Rockhouse helped change me. 

The beautiful Rockhouse with its rooms perched on cliffs changed me as I did nothing.  

The Rockhouse cliffs put my feet back on stolid ground after all the changes going on in my life had me feeling like I was living in a house built on sand. 

The beautiful sea that crashed into the cliffs of the Rockhouse almost every second reminded me over and over again all day that God is great. 

And that He is the Rock on which my house is built.


The Rockhouse reminded me more vividly that all that God did He did perfect and that I was wasting my time in a house built on sand. 

And all this happened at the Rockhouse on the first night.  

I was lucky enough to stay in two different villas on that vacation. 

Both were wonderful but the first one was atop of a cliff that jutted out and allowed the sea waves to slap almost all around the entire cliff with such a force that I trembled at God's awesome magnificent power.

It was a beautiful room. 

With the prettiest yellow quilt on the bed.


The private balcony was sitting high above the water in an almost dizzying way. 

After checking in and checking out the lovely enclosed compound and dinner it was bed time. 

Time to go to sleep perched on a cliff where the higher night waves seemed to reach almost up to me. 

I did not really sleep from the sheer power of the sea waves slamming all around me that night. 

I was frightened but oddly enough I wanted to feel the forces of the deep blue Caribbean Sea even more that night. 


I craved a storm to come and bring with it even more crashing destructive waves. 

I wanted to feel even more of God's extreme power. 

I could already feel the normal waves shaking the whole villa but I wanted more. 

I had a deep need to feel the life of the seas reminding me that I was still alive. 

But the clear dark blues skies showed that no storm would be coming.


And thank goodness because as the night got deeper the waves' power steadily increased and the might of The Lord had me in fear. 

The crashing thundering waves beat all around me and even in my real fear I started to feel excitement. 

The sea's power was amazing. 

And it did not stop or take even a small break. 

Wave after wave after wave slammed and slammed into the limestone.


I could feel the sea. 

I felt it shake me and the mega-ton cliff as if we were children's toys. 

It was exciting. 

It felt passionate. 

It made me feel completely alive, again. 


Nothing could have been a better reminder of what being alive meant. 

Nothing else but the sea's sheer power could have reminded me that having life is awesome. 

And nothing else could have reminded me better of how awesomely powerful my God is. 

The mean sea and the shaky cliff showed me that I am fragile. 

And the only thing keeping my fragile body out of the strong, merciless and deep sea is God's love for me.                 


I could never withstand what nature gives out on a regular day.

Let alone what it gives out on a stormy night by the sea. 

The waves slamming into thousand of tons of limestone would pulverize me.  

That cliff will never out last the water. 

So as I lay in the Rockhouse's beautiful villa's bed covered in their pretty yellow quilt I was excited.


And I was made aware that God made this all and that life was a blessing but there is no stronger Rock than God to build my house on.

That first night in my happy place I came back to full life. 

I had reached the Rockhouse half alive it seemed and in the one night that I stayed in the first room surrounded by God's powerful passionate power I came back to living totally. 

I didn't really sleep that night. 

The powerful waves slapping quickly, randomly and ferociously all around my personal little cliff never allowed for a night's sleep but I was the better for it.


The non-stop waves slamming into the cliff without a pattern to follow kept reminding me all night that all I am is dust in God's wind. 

The frightening force of the water explained a lot to me that first night in the Rockhouse. 

The constant thundering booming noise the Caribbean Sea waves made as they hit against the limestone cliff sang me almost a lullaby of life as I did nothing but lay in the big mosquito net covered bed. 

All night it sang songs of how exciting life can be. 

All night it sang songs of how mighty God is.

All night the waves sang songs of how fragile I am.

And all night God reminded me of how strong He is and how sweet He is because I was so safe in His arms and alive. 

I love the Rockhouse. 

I wish I could live there. 

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