
Sunday 6 April 2014

The Three Robbers.

Can't sleep.

As usual. 

My body is willing 


My brain says no sleep til Brooklyn. 

So here I lay. 

Under my soft fluffy quilt. 

Yes, I'm in Jamaica but I can't sleep without the protective force field provided by my superquilt.  

But I do have the air on. 


I get stifled. 

Can't breathe. 

Need air. 

I could never sleep with my head under the covers. 

I don't know how they do it. 

I would be gasping for air. 



So here I lay as my mind dashes and drifts. 

But a picture from the past pops in my head and won't go away and thanks to the wonderful awesome internet I can get that picture in live and living colors in less than ten seconds. 



The Three Robbers. 

I used to love this book. 

The beginning was rather scary to a little girl but I read it to the very end. 

The robbers were bloodthirsty. 

Like me. 

They went about at night robbing all. 

They had trunks and trunks of ill gotten gains. 

But this young miss changed everything. 

Such is life, eh? 

Females do that to men and robbers. 

Tom Ungerer. 

His book still pops in my head to this day. 

Books will do that to you. 

To this day I remember his dark drawings of this particular book. 

Sometimes I craved to see them again. 

Thank goodness for the internet, huh? 

How did we get so lucky? 

Can't tell you the ending. 

Would not be fair to you or Tom Ungerer. 

Your eyes deserve it. 

They will never forget it. 

It is a child's book. 

But the art will live on in you. 


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