
Thursday 15 May 2014

Right or Wrong

 Most of the people who know me know that I am the type of person to do just

what I say I will do. 

Right or wrong.

Most of the things I say I will do, I will do. 

I am just that type of person. 

I have a very keen foresight.

 I can see the forest for the trees. 

And I can see the trees the forest. 

Most people that know me know that, too. 

So I am very good at seeing where a road will most likely take a body. 

Especially when it comes to my body.

I know exactly what I will do when push comes to shove.  

Which is one of the many things I like about me. 

I do the things I say I will. 

And I will back the things I say I will do up by doing them. 

With the appropriate actions and/or reactions.

Or with inappropriate actions and/or reactions. 


I will give a body a warning about where I see this situation going and hopefully you will take it. 
I am not the baddest or the greatest I just know myself. 

So please to heed me when I say what will most likely occur in the future because I will back up my talk with the actions I have already told you I would do.

And who doesn't like it, too bad for them. 

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