Thursday 19 March 2015

My Soul Finds Rest

To God I prayed 

at the 

start and finish 

of every day. 

Nothing was always 


Nothing was always 


Still everyday 

I sang the same song. 

Yahweh always at my


Even the times when

I cried. 

My tears wiped. 

My sobs hushed. 

Even in pain 

I felt His touch. 

I never gave as much

as I took. 

Him never further 

than a look. 

His love for me 

strong and divine. 

In all my trials 

He still says 

"You are Mine".  

In His presence never 

a need to hide. 

Through every storm

He will be by 

my side. 

As sure as the rising 

of the tide. 

No need to beg. 

No need to guess. 

In His arms my soul

finds rest.

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