Wednesday 15 April 2015

Waiting Here

Waiting here. 

Time goes so slow. 

When all I want 

it to do is 

Just go.

Feeling trapped 

In a box I am. 

Like all my energy 

Is being sapped 


Seems like I have 

Been waiting

All my life. 

That waiting has 

Always been



For my strife. 

I can not take it


It seems like

Not having to wait

Is a thing of lore. 

I pace the floor. 

At the door

I stare. 

At my clothes I 

Want to tear. 

Why does it have

To be this way?

Why must I wait

Day after day?

My thumbs

I twiddle. 

In my head I 

Tell riddles. 

But nothing changes. 

I'm still here waiting. 

On you. 


Not sure


Why I do. 

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