
Thursday, 3 April 2014

Bitches Be Tripping

Bitches be tripping. 

Well, maybe I did push one or two. 

Or three. 


Because bitches are so annoying. 

Of course not all females are bitches. 

Some females are really nice. 

I just haven't met too many. 

Unfortunately for me I have had to deal with what I like to call 


Bitter Bitch Problem 

since I can remember. 

Why are they bitter bitches? 

I do not know. 

But I have come to the conclusion it is because when they look in the mirror they do not see me. 

Which is not my concern. 

God made me this way so for future reference if you have a problem with how I look take it to prayer. 

You may think that I am wrong and you may be right. 

But I can remember clearly that the little bitter bitches in kindergarten did not like me from day one of kindergarten. 

Before I even got a chance to say a word. 

I was a rather shy little girl who never said a word and they didn't like me before I even got up the nerve to say one word.

Case in point

At that same kindergarten class there was a little bitter bitch named Sharon. 

I remember her name to this day because my name is Shannon. 

There are only two little letters that made our names different but any time there was a substitute teacher who made the horrible mistake of calling her "Shannon" she would loudly state that "she" is not "Shannon" as her little bitter bitch friends would laugh and giggle loudly and confirm that she, indeed, was not me. 

I was too shy to state my thoughts on being called Sharon by accident but in my little mind I would protest that I, indeed, was not that little bitter bitch who to me looked like a little monkey. 

But as time went by I broke out of my shyness and learned to put little bitter bitches in their place. 

So bitches still be tripping but I have pushed a few. 

I have learned to be the bigger better badder Bitch. 

And now most bitter bitches still dislike me but from afar. 

Shout out to all the bitter bitches. 

You have made me witty. 

You have made my fragile beauty strong.

You have shown me what not to be. 

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