
Saturday 26 April 2014

Too Black


Too black.

Too strong.

I do not know about other light skin black people but I know I am black and I have no problem with that. 

I, also, know that no matter how lighter I could get I will never be white or even considered white.

Lucky me.                                                                                     

I am American and I was raised to know without a doubt that one drop of black blood makes you black. 

Which was never a problem to me.

Or my siblings. 

My mother comes from Irish, Blackfoot Indian and Jamaican descendants. 

My father is Irish and English. 

So I am, as the old folks would say, high colored. 

Or red bone.

But I am my mother's child so I know I'm black. 

I love my father but I only consider myself part white. 

And a small part at that. 

Which is fine with me.

Some can say I am fine with the way I am because I am rather light  


I am fine with it because I was never raised to think black was ugly. 

My black mother is beautiful and she never taught my siblings or me that she was not proud of her color so why would I think my color is any better or any worse?

I am me and that is that.

 I could never imagine seeing my mother bleaching her skin. 

She was always beautiful the way she was. 

I could never imagine bleaching my skin to be even lighter. 

For what? 

If God had wanted us all one color we would be all the same color.                                                                                 
too much bleach
And since the black race is the first race we would all be black. 

Funny, huh? 

And some are bleaching their skin so that they can be what came after the original man and woman. 


People are truly odd.

The bleachers would, then, apparently, be downgrading.
I am black and I am proud of who I am and that is that. 

Why do I need to be whiter or blacker for that matter? 

I could not seeing me trying to be blacker, either. 


I am me and I like me.

Why wouldn't I? 

I have been faced with racism from both sides. 

White people considered me too black


Black people considered me too white.

So the average black person did not have the amount of racism that I was faced with and yet I still had no desire to become white like some of the darker black people do. 

Again some can say it is easy for me to say I like my color but they do not know that my color has caused black and white people not to like me and I have survived without bleaching or excessive tanning. 

What people do not understand is that no matter what color you are some people will not like your color and some people will. 

That is where a good level of self-esteem comes in.

Some people seem to live their life for the approval of others. 

Their attitude about themselves is based on what other people think about them which will never allow them to like themselves as they are. 

Everyone will never like you. 

No matter how much you bleach your skin or how much you tan. 

So if you tan until your truly black or if you bleach your skin until your whiter than paper some people still won't like you.
So why bleach or tan?

If people think you look better with one leg and one arm will you cut off your limbs to please others? 

Of course not so why bleach or over tan? 

I  am black and I am proud. 

If I was whiter I would be whiter and proud.

Even if I had one arm and one leg I would be proud. 

I am me and that is why I am proud. 

No one else will ever ever be me so that makes me unique and special. 




I would still be me.

I don't need to be whiter or blacker to attempt to please anyone. 

If you do not like me you don't. 

But I like me so when I look in the mirror I am happy. 

Why wouldn't I be?

God made me and He had done all things



I am great. 

He made me black


He made me proud, too. 


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